The Rugged Press is a letterpress and design studio based in Indianapolis, IN specializing in hand-made cards and prints. We print everything on our beautifully restored 1909 Chandler & Price old-style platen printing press. We print our products with historic wood and metal type and cuts. Each item is hand-fed into the press one color and one side at a time.
We fell in love with letterpress printing after taking a couple of classes. One thing led to another, and we purchased a press of our own. We preserve the art and craft of letterpress printing in our studio out of our home. We are building a small collection of antique wood and metal type as well as historic cuts and imagery.
The Rugged Press is an LGBTQ+-owned business. We are proud to support social justice and human rights. Printing is a passion for us. We love creating on the press. In our free time, we design and print things that bring us joy. We hope our cards and prints bring joy to you and yours.